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Scraps Of Tape 2018

Scraps Of Tape于2000年在瑞典马尔默成军,目前成员包括吉他手/主唱G、吉他手Marcus、吉他手Jerker、贝斯手Kenta和鼓手Micke。

Scraps Of Tape 2009

Scraps Of Tape首张同名EP《Scraps Of Tape》(2002)

2002年Scraps Of Tape就发表了首张同名EP《Scraps Of Tape》令他们展露头角,之后他们又于2003年马不停蹄地发表了第二张EP《Broken Note》,独特的阴郁气质、不落俗套的歌曲结构、天马行空的编曲都让Scraps Of Tape在瑞典乃至整个欧洲独立音乐领域显得如此与众不同。

Scraps Of Tape第二张EP《Broken Note》(2003)

当多家欧洲唱片公司向Scraps Of Tape伸出橄榄枝的时候,他们毅然决然地选择了瑞典独立名厂A Tenderversion,因为他们旗下的Audrey、September Malevolence、Solander等瑞典独立乐队,都是Scraps Of Tape几位成员的心头所好。

Scraps Of Tape首张专辑《Read Between The Lines At All Times》(2004)

2004年11月,Scraps Of Tape在A Tenderversion旗下发表了首张专辑《Read Between The Lines At All Times》,这张唱片其实流露出浓厚的反抗特质,除了狂暴的吉他攻势,可以在专辑及歌曲标题文字发现踪迹,看似要求听众掌握字里行间的言外之意,也抱怨着自身的弱势情况,甚至连低缓的节拍也无法缓和强烈的情绪,再者宛若控诉着似事而非的种种。Scraps of Tapes大多只留下纯粹的愤怒与死寂的声响,配合着有如不得志的形象,寻求撕裂与空洞音符间的解放。

Scraps Of Tape / EF / Molia Falls合集《A Trilogy Of Dreams, Noise And Silence》(2005)

2005年11月,Scraps Of Tape联手好友乐队EF和Molia Falls,一起推出了单曲合集《A Trilogy Of Dreams, Noise And Silence》,每支乐队贡献了两首全新作品,这也是初出茅庐的EF推出的第一张正式的唱片。由于首张专辑《Read Between The Lines At All Times》的大获成功,Scraps Of Tape名声鹊起,他们的知名度不仅停留在欧洲,更是漂洋过海来到了北美和亚洲。加拿大著名独立音乐制作人Harris Newman主动提出希望与Scraps Of Tape合作,帮他们进行新专辑的混音和母带处理。与此同时,日本独立名厂残响唱片主理人、日本后摇名团te'主脑河野章宏更是力邀Scraps Of Tape加入残响唱片,希望代理他们的新专辑。

Scraps Of Tape第二张专辑《This Is A Copy Is This A Copy》(2007)

2007年2月,Scraps Of Tape的第二张专辑《This Is A Copy Is This A Copy》正式发表,欧洲由瑞典厂牌A Tenderversion负责发型,日本唱片发行则由残响唱片代理,同时他们2004年首张专辑《Read Between The Lines At All Times》也在日本正式发表。专辑开头让人直接联想到芝加哥后摇名团Pelican,同样刷扣着Metal的语汇,厚重的音墙,紧迫盯人的气势,但事实上Scraps of Tapes还是相当冷静的在处理乐曲架构,平衡着此暴戾与静谧之间的张力,音乐有如黑白画面的交错,专辑封面的花朵失去了原有的色彩,绽放出来的美丽,少了五彩缤纷的喜悦,却多了几分冷冽强硬的冲击。同年6月,Scraps Of Tape应他们的日本厂牌残响唱片的邀请进行首次日本巡演,一起巡演的是美国器乐名团You.May.Die.In.The.Desert。

Scraps Of Tape发表了第三张专辑《Grand Letdown》(2009)

2009年3月,Scraps Of Tape发表了第三张专辑《Grand Letdown》,专辑中他们翻唱了美国硬核先驱Minor Threat的经典之作《Filler》。同年9月,Scraps Of Tape应残响唱片邀请再次赴日,参加了由残响唱片主办的一年一度的音乐节“残响祭”,同台乐队包括包括te'、cinema staff、9mm Parabellum Bullet、APOLLO18、People In The Box、mudy on the 昨晩、perfect piano lesson、ハイスイノナサ、apnea、3nd、texas pandaa、hologram、wozniak、AFRICAEMO、sleepy.ab等等。

Scraps Of Tape单曲《Flera Meter Kort》(2011)

进入2011年,Scraps Of Tape联手瑞典著名独立音乐人Mattias Alkberg(Bear Quartet、MABD),于8月推出了全新单曲《Flera Meter Kort》。这首歌被英国权威音乐杂志《NME》形容为“它饱含了能够温暖和取悦每一颗朋克和独立的心的一切”(it contains just about everything to warm and please every punk as well as indie heart)。

Scraps Of Tape《Flera Meter Kort》MV

同年11月,Scraps Of Tape的第四张专辑《Resident Flux》正式发表。专辑中的一曲《A Feast Of Snakes》的歌词和演唱部分,由当时他们在日本的同门兄弟、日本独立名团Cinema Staff主唱/吉他手饭田瑞规完成。

Scraps Of Tape第四张专辑《Resident Flux》(2011)

Scraps Of Tape 2009

Scraps Of Tape《Resident Flux》MV

2014年2月,Scraps Of Tape发表了第五张专辑《Sjatte vansinnet》,不少乐评把这张专辑与AND SO I WATCH YOU FROM AFAR和MAYBESHEWILL等名团的新专辑相比较,并认为这是2014年十大后摇最佳专辑的有力候选。

Scraps Of Tape第五张专辑《Sjatte vansinnet》(2014)

2017年年底,Scraps Of Tape签约在德国独立名厂Denovali旗下,并开始录制全新专辑,这次他们邀请了瑞典知名制作人Kristofer Jonson担纲制作人,同时他还是瑞典后摇/自赏名团Jeniferever的吉他手。唱片的缩混和母带处理则交给了重量级制作人Magnus Líndberg完成,他还是瑞典后金属先驱Cult of Luna的吉他手。2018年3月,Scraps Of Tape的第六张专辑《The Will to Burn》正式发表。

Scraps Of Tape第六张专辑《The Will to Burn》(2018)

2018年8月,Scraps Of Tape将应清汤音乐邀请进行首次中国巡演。





Scraps Of Tape《Silent Wave》MV


Chingtown Music proudly Presents

Scraps Of Tape new album "The Will To Burn" China tour

Ever since their beginnings as a band in 2000, Scraps Of Tape have been about one thing. The music. Letting the music live and breathe and take both the band and the listener on a journey on it’s own terms. Highs and lows, twists and turns, the music of Scraps Of Tape churns and vibrates. It does not sit still in the same place for very long but reaches forward and outward, always searching for that next hidden passage to another place, another room.

The Will To Burn, the bands sixth album, was recorded in an old school house in the countryside of middle of Sweden together with producer Kristofer Jönson (Jeniferever) in the winter of 2016/2017. Over a couple of days the basic tracks took form next to a crackling fire in the old class room and later renowned producer, engineer and audio expert Magnus Lindberg (Cult Of Luna) mixed and mastered it.

The result is probably the most focused and direct album ever to be released by Scraps Of Tape. Through it’s mere six tracks, The Will To Burn bursts into life like a matchstick and shines a flickering, hopeful flame in the darkness.

The opening one-two punch of “The Horologer” and already-live-favourite “Silent Wave” set the tone with their gritty yet beautiful guitars, booming drums and honest vocals, leading into the hushed opening of “Negative Architect” and then moving on to the energetic broken shoegaze/indie of “The Lengthening Grey”.

The 10-minute “Experiments In Shame” harkens back to the earliest days of the band, where long intense instrumental passages wind in and out of and around each other to finally end up in a tender yet unsettling place. This sets the stage for “Hands On Stone”, which sums up The Will To Burn perfectly. Going from quiet and contemplative to huge and ferocious, the music seems to self ignite in the end, closing the album and searing it into your head. The Will to Burn will see the light of day in February 2018 on Denovali Records.

8.3 Shenyang @ Meidiqi

8.4 Shanghai @ Yuyintang

8.5 Shenzhen @ B10

8.6 Guangzhou @ SD

8.7 Changsha @ 46

8.8 Wuhan @ VOX

8.9 Chengdu @ Little Bar Space

8.10 Xi'An @ Guangyin16

8.11 Dalian @ Hertz

8.12 Beijing @ Yugong Yishan




8月12日 Sunday 星期日




New Album China tour - Beijing

现场 120

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